Engineering academic project is the very important thing for engineering final year students, And all of you have already started implementation or probably you will start soon. So I decided to write some important things that every student should consider or use while creating engineering project. So, lets get started.
Since long time I have decided to write this article , And finally the right time has came, Most of you (Engineering students) are about to start implementation of your academic project. So I would like to share with you some common problems , and their simple solution that will surely help you to build your project smoothly.

First and most important , Probably this is the first time we actually code as a team. And we don’t know how to maintain our code that everyone from team can actually get the updated code modify it and save his changes that will be available to everyone else in the team.

So we end up with the decision that we try to divide our code in different modules and divide among all the members.
only one guy from the team will actually integrate and maintain the code.
only one guy from the team will actually integrate and maintain the code.
and after that also we create so many version of our project folder that it will be a clear mess to pick proper folder and use for modification.

I know this the story of everyone.
But you know what you have special, Most of you have the computer with same or even better configuration that a normal IT professional use now a days.
And second thing you have ample amount of time in your hand You will never, ever, have as much time as you do in college days.
So use it wisely and invest your time in yourself.
Coming to the point , So use your machine and time to handle these things smartly.
Many of you might heard a term “Version control system” why not we use this for our project to solve above mentioned problem?
this is the first point to consider we will see other important points in upcoming posts.
1. Use Version control system for your project.
I will tell you the most famous version control system GIT, And GitHub (learn more about GitHub ) is a Web-based Git version control repository hosting service.
You can call it a social network of developers, See how easy you can put your project on GitHub ( ).
You can call it a social network of developers, See how easy you can put your project on GitHub ( ).
GitHub will solve your problem, all team members can work simultaneously on single project they may work on different modules or files.
Any time you can take the previous working version if something goes wrong with the current version.
You can share project for code review with your mentor.
Create and share project documents
Any time you can take the previous working version if something goes wrong with the current version.
You can share project for code review with your mentor.
Create and share project documents
Awesome right ?
but again awesomeness is not free (Not always in terms of money). You have to invest some time to learn few basic things, How git works, How to resolve conflicts (two or more member have modified same files). Create different branches etc.
So guys start learning version control from today, Please comment your views on the same, Also comment if you are facing any issue I will try to write next article on that.
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